首页 职场 外企英语面试常见问题分析及回答要点


  1. 英语面试  学生们都了解假如英语四级考試没能通过,大四大学毕业时是将会拿不上学士学位证书的。在学校招时,绝大部分用人公司也会要求英语四级证书,一部分公司更会出现过英语六级的规定。就算今后的办公环境很可能不容易采用英文,为什么公司還是对英语有那样强制的规定呢?我跟HR聊完这个问题,她们觉得四六级证书意味着的不只是基础的英语水准,也是考量应聘者在高校期内是不是有认真完成学习培训的指标值。设想一个在大学四年英语四级一直都没法根据的同学们,怎么让用人公司去坚信他能担任以后的工作中。


  1. 英语面试





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  提前准备一般性难题能够参照Interview Questions Answered这本书,里边不仅列举难题,还列举招聘者问每一个难题身后的目地,提议回应的构思和参照回应。接下去举例说明好多个一般性问题和答案进一步表明。

  1. Tell me about yourself.

  Your Goal:

  To prove to the interviewer that you have thes kills and experience to be the ideal or perfect can did for the job.

  Keep the answer short at about two minutes.

  Focus on work-related skills and accomplishments,not personal information.

  Tell the interviewer why you think your work-related skills and accomplishments would be an asset to the company.

  Describe your education or work history very briefly.

  Tell the interviewer about things you have done and jobs you have had related to the position you are interviewing for.

  Mention one or two personal characteristics that have helped you accomplish your goals,giving short examples to illustrate.


  2.Why did you leave your last job?/Why are you looking for a new job?

  Your Goal:

  To minimize any problems and to show that you had positive reasons for leaving previous positions.

  Mention positive reasons for leaving.

  Never criticize supervisors,co-workers,or the company/organization.

  Don’t mention major problems with management.

  Tell the interviewer about any neutral reasons for leaving.

  Stay positive no matter how bad the situation you are leaving maybe.

  Use the right words so you don’t sound self-serving.

  Instead of saying“I left to seek better opportunities”say“I"m looking for a situation which will use more of my skills and experience.”

  Avoid sounding like a“job hopper.”

  Turn this in to an opportunity to tell the interviewer about yours kills and abilities,if possible.

  Keep your explanation short or the interviewer may think you’re making excuses.


  3.Why do you want to work here?

  Your Goal:

  To show that you know a lota bout the company and that your qualifications match the company’s needs.

  Find out all you can about the company, including the department where you would work and the people you would work for.

  Research the company’s products or services and the positive things it has done for the community or society. Be familiar with the company’s mission statement and core values.

  Don’t make the answer all about you.

  Focus on the positive things about the company,including its reputation in the industry.

  Tell the interviewer how your qualifications meet a need in their company.

  Show the interviewer that you are being selective about where you want to work and are not willing to take just any job offered to you.


  4.Where do you see yourself in five years?

  Your Goal:

  To assure the interviewer that if the company hires you, you will continue working for them, and that you have given careful thought to your future career plans.

  Reassure the interviewer that you are not a“job hopper”by telling the interviewer that you plan to stay and grow with the company.

  Research the company to find out the logical next positions to move up in the company.

  If there is more than one direction you can move in to move up in the organization,name these paths and talk about your options depending on your future interests and performance, and the company’s needs.

  Show that you are motivated and have definite plans about doing more in the company.

  Avoid namingaspecificjoborpositionoryouwillseemtoonarroworinflexible.

  Do not talk about personal goals or plans.


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